potential / actual spaces
Recent work
A Clojure-based static website generator extracted from this website's history, implementing conceps similar to Matthew Butterick's pollen.
a metatextual introduction to this site as it is and as it could be.
rants against the apparent fact that metadata is treated as an afterthought in program design and configuration management.
Reifying the Filter Bubble, part 1
new digital infrastructure makes a metaphor less of one.
Reifying the Filter Bubble, part 2
notes against the 'decentralization' of an impoverished internet.
a working definition of my own ideology.
Does quantity necessarily lead to quality?
Connections between programs could be made simpler by speaking directly to those programs' databases - but this requires that more of those programs be put under users' control.
Subsumed Automotive Dread in the Parking Garage
The threat is coming from inside the car.
Large Language Models' Impoverished Theory of Cognition
Language models fail to understand because they don't even try.
The Signs and Portents of the Computational Oracle
Can we even seriously criticize large language models?
Why I am personally not interested in unpredictable and opaque AI systems like deep learning and generative AI, as a programmer and artist.
Site source: github